Snacks at Kinder

At kinder we promote healthy eating and drinking habits.  We encourage children to make informed decisions about what they eat and drink and discuss why healthy foods are good for our body.  We ask parents to support us by supplying healthy snacks and water to drink.

Listed below are some healthy snack suggestions:

  • Cheese and crackers
  • Fresh fruit
  • Vegetable sticks and dip
  • Sandwiches - vegemite, salad, ham/chicken
  • Plain or fruit yoghurt
  • Savoury biscuits
  • Tuna
  • Rolls
  • Muesli bars

Please avoid and do not send to kinder:

  • Chips
  • Cake
  • Biscuits
  • Chocolate
  • Lollies

Any food that is considered unhealthy will remain in the child's lunchbox to take home.

Families will be advised verbally and in writing if there are foods that need to be avoided in the case of severe allergies.